A New Decade
Good morning 2020.
Nothing but a numeric concept of the time we humans try to track to make sense of our being, but it works. The idea of a new year and along with it, a new opportunity.
2019 wrapped with a bang. Colds, Christmas and Cousins. A full life I am so grateful to have cultivated and yet walk the daily line of barely being able to keep it all together and wanting to create more.
2019 was a year for the books. Our family rocked and weathered major milestones in equal grace.
Career changes. School achievements and challenges. Physical goals and mental moments. It’s all so real.
Did I mention we are now a family of 7?
Hello George Bailey. The cutest German Shorthaired Pointer who joined our family at 9 weeks old. WOWZA - we have a lot happening.
And yet finding and consciously carving out moments to sit in silence, write in my journal, run with girlfriends or a get inspired by a podcast still by my side. These are some of my mental wellness pillars.
Elements of the mentally healthy Leah were hidden at different points when my fear of change met the “embracing the challenge” part of me. It’s so easy for me to put everyone else first and work work work, forgetting the power of personal time, stillness and mental pause.
But to feel so many feelings - good, scared, angry, sad, mad, hopeful, confident, optimistic, and grateful reminded me my mental health is brighter than ever before.
My daily practice of mindfulness coming to the forefront of challenging moments and being able to ground and focus me when 2 billion needs are begging to be met and the daily fear of not performing up to the expectations of the world around me try to rush my confidence of knowing I can get what needs to be gotten done.
I give so much thanks for exactly where I am in this mortal life and all that is to come.
I wish you a Happy New Year.
I challenge you to take the time to review 2019, so you can create a primed launching pad for 2020 and mostly that you keep loving yourself, even when your day falls apart.
Like our breath, life falls apart and comes back together again. - Gena Adams-Riley
Lotsa love,