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Welcome to this little place I've found on the interwebs to journal my lovely and creatively chaotic life. 

This picture of me was taken by a dear friend and amazing artist Britt Van Deusen

Cultivating Motivation

Cultivating Motivation

Where does our daily motivation come from? How can we evolve our motivations to be coming from good and peace, kindness and service? What does that even mean?

An Insight Timer meditation titled “Generating A Beneficial Motivation” by Venerable Thubten Chodron caught my attention this morning. It was 19 minutes and part educational lecture and part meditation.

Leah Love Notes | Leah Muhlenfeld | Motivator

It was the word “motivation” that struck me, as a recent personalty test through Crystal, evaluated me as a “motivator.” It’s one of those tests where you answer a few questions that feel like you’re probably doing it all wrong, but then they share with you a version of yourself and it kinda makes sense.

Being a mother of four, plus wife, daughter and friend - there is no question I find myself in role of motivator often. From simple things like brushing teeth to moments of life challenge (ex: parenting moments, transition with work, changes that appear with aging, etc.), the Texas cheerleader in me might make you want to roll your eyes, but it comes from somewhere deep and true. Luckily it seems to be never ending, like a natural spring that bubbles up when others need it.

But this morning’s meditation made me think about it in a new light.

Motivation as the thing that carries ME. Motivation as an energy force that pulls through me and can positively impact everything I do, for myself and others.

Venerable Thubten Chodron opens up by saying how motivation is at the core of Buddhism. And that the worldly view is more about being concerned with how people “see” you instead of being thoughtful about what is driving your actions, both physical and mental. She explores negative emotions that can drive motivation, such as greed, anger and attachment.

Merely saying these words and giving examples created energy shifts in me that were heavier and dark. Then when she begins to explore positive motivation like, doing no harm, service and care for all beings, and such - the heaviness lifted and light was back.

Our minds are so powerful.

We walk about the world with all this mental power in our physical bodies. I’ve been spending the past eight years working on learning how to wield this mental energy and still feel I am only at the beginning of this journey. But little ideas like Venerable Thubten Chodron offered at the end of the meditation really struck home,

“Every time you hear your child call your name, use it as a trigger to cultivate positive motivation.”

Cultivating Motivation Through Common Daily Triggers | Leah Love Notes

I often joke that my kids can’t talk to me without saying, “Mom…” first. Like they are certain someone else in the room will think their request to help them tie their shoe, get down a toy, find a lovey, wipe they hiney or read them another book will respond before I do. We often reference the seagulls from Nemo who say, “Mine. Mine. Mine.” - but turn it into, “Mom. Mom. Mom.”

I’s in those moments when many times I’m trying to execute another task and can feel bombarded and snappy. Perhaps it’s those moments I need to be most aware and redirect my motivation.

It’s so easy for me to make time to help clients or friends with fulfilling their dreams or completing a task that will benefit them. But I definitely take my day to day moments with my children for granted and therefore perhaps am thoughtlessly missing some of my most treasured moments to learn from my kids and cultivate motivation.

May I use these thoughts to cultivate positive motivation in all that I do.

May I share an inward and outward expression of service and kindness.

May I do no harm by thought, word or deed to people I know and all those I don’t.

May I create peace, love and joy all around me to guide my actions and interactions with all those in my path - physically and electronically.

May you too cultivate motivations that bring goodness to the world and to yourself.

Lotsa Love,


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Alternate Life: A Morning With My Mother And Alzheimer's

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