
Leah Muhlenfeld | Leah Love Notes | The Muhlenfeld Family | English Major LLC |  | Richmond VA

Hello, my name is Leah Muhlenfeld.

I'm a mother to four amazing children, wife to a creative super star, lover of strategic business and marketing thinking, and total life enthusiast.  I can typically be found exercising at 5:30am before getting the tribe off to school or throwing an impromptu dance party in my kitchen or wherever the spirit might move me. 

In all honesty, I started this to be a place where I could write my thoughts in case I can't remember them one day. After loosing my mother to Early Onset Alzheimer's, I cherish each day I have on this planet and pray my mind has healthy synapses until my very last breath.... a long long VERY LONG time from now.

Leah Love Notes is a place where I can share my life journey and dreams. Hope it makes you think and give thanks for YOUR life each day.

p.s. Thank you Meghan McSweeney for our amazing family pics!!!