No Boxes
Right now I am sitting in a borrowed time share nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains with 2021 echoing all around me.
Kids in virtual school scatted across the mountain home on computers, a new president, a smattering of Zoom work meetings and fresh fallen snow. There is peace and optimism in the air.
But daily I wrestle with our humanity? The fleeting experience we call life?
As long as I can remember, I’ve been searching for meaning and purpose.
One of the books I’m currently using daily to help set intentions and provide safe space to push on the unknown is The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo. Kate Waitzkin shared it in our Essential Rituals first Monday class, and it’s been a great addition to my morning rituals.
January 19th’s entry, “Remembering and Forgetting,” keeps bubbling up in my mind. The opening quote by Juan Ramon Jiminez sums up my constant exploration,
What can I do to always remember who I really am?
One of the gifts to myself in 2020 was finding and working with a personal coach.
He’s developed a system that I’m using to help people define their "life mission." I love this kind of thinking, but have never pushed all the way through on it. 2021 is the year.
While sharing paninis with my husband at the timeshare dining table between client calls, a phrase we used to chant at one of our new homes after unpacking everything, "No Boxes," popped up as we discussed what career paths we’ve been on, what our company is like today and what it could be tomorrow.
As a creative writer, David has always used his toolbox of words to think outside boxes. He’s a magician at finding companies solutions to their business opportunities and problems that strategically connect with the people these businesses are trying to get the attention of.
He thrives by going against the grain and zagging while others zig.
When considering my own career I said,
"I work really well outside boxes, but always think I want a box."
His eyes got big and he told me to “write that down.”
How do I build a satisfying, creative life that I love living every day through the art of purpose?
(Out of curiosity I did a quick search in this blog for the word “purpose” - which led me to these posts where I note exploring “purpose.” A good reminder to finish this exercise and that I am already doing it - living with purpose through the continued exploration OF purpose!)
And as Jiminez notes, how do I remember it moment to moment?
This is really the question at hand as I look at my full life and consider all my dreams and daily options. The sheer amount of choices we humans are presented with moment to moment is astounding.
Taking two personality tests (StrengthFinders & Enneagram), I have been enjoying digging into them with my “life mission” work.
One of these realizations that came so true in our lunch conversation was that I truly see no box I have to be in when it comes to work and ultimately life.
BUT the question is, “Can I remember that is okay for me while living moment to moment, choice to choice?”
In the Enneagram Test, I am a 98% match for Type 3, but a 96% match for Type 7. I noted how close they were, but it was my coach that pointed out what a rare combo it is, as it combines big learning and vision of Type 7 with the executional abilities of Type 3.
My translation: Whatever I can dream, I know I can create.
SO… What is it in me that craves a box?
Does a box bring simplicity and focus that can be challenging for me because I see so many amazing options and choices in life?
Could defining a “box” really be more about knowing myself - recognizing my triggers, honoring my personal dreams, likes and dislikes more than that of others (which I find very hard) and continually remembering who I am?
What type of box do I want to create for myself?
Maybe my box is more like four corner posts that help me stay grounded, but provide endless range to shape life’s limitless magical opportunities.
When thinking about what my four pillars might be, these words rushed out on to the paper:
I circled these words and wrote opportunity to the side.
There is something fun and interesting in this idea…
Maybe ~ I AM MY BOX.
My physical being is the "box”… the “vessel" God presented me with to explore and navigate this human experience - to explore, create, dream, shift and share.
The idea that I am a spiritual being having a physical experience has always resonated with me.
My box can float aimlessly or my box can be grounded. But as long as I keep remembering “no boxes” I can live harmoniously IN MY BOX and be free.
How do you define your box?
What do you think about when considering a life of “No Boxes” means understanding the only box you need to know is you?
My prayer, meditative words, gifts of desire from me to me and to YOU:
May we remember to be thankful for all the time we take to do the practice of life.
The moments we spend silent in meditation and prayer.
The moments we physically move our bodies and find the flow between mental and physical humanity.
The ability to tap into our “four corner posts” to understand our personal purpose.
Pause and think about what grounds you to the Earth, this physical experience?
How can you create ritual to honor and remember your purpose daily?
It’s time to pop the lid off your box and dream, explore and feel the power innately in you…
Lotsa love,
p.s. This photo was taken while on the North Trail enjoying a slow run in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Bath County, Virginia. What a gift ~ Thank you VDs.