Raising Money for Cure Alzheimer's Fund
My girlfriend called me in late December 2016 to let me know she'd been thinking of me when she agreed to Chair the Rick Sharp Golf Classic and Auction here in Richmond, VA. Rick Sharp died of Early Onset Alzheimer's, like my mother. Deep breath.
She kindly asked if I'd be interested in helping her create "Auction Experiences" for this fundraiser. To which I quickly and honestly said, "No. I can't. It's still too hard."
She was patient with me, but didn't let me off the hook. She asked if she could just "tap my creative brain" and well... that was my jumping off point, as it usually is.
From a "Week in Dubai" donated by my best friend since middle school and her husband's generous family to a "Mixology Party" and "Custom Created Menus by A Nationally Recognized Food Scientist" - the experiences were cool and fun to pull together. But beyond just feeling like I was contributing to very valuable research by helping curate this auction, it was an educational deep dive on my biggest nemesis - Alzheimer's Disease. It was empowering and overwhelming all at once.
As a trained "marketer," the screaming problem of "low brand awareness" seemed to stare me in the face. There is a lack of awareness of the symptoms ALZ creates, the hardships on the caregivers, the places people can learn more, the medical drug trials, etc. An ironic lack of awareness about a disease to which people suffering with it may understand in the beginning, but in the end won't even be aware of who they are much less what was killing them. In otherowrds, a holistic "Lack of Awareness." I hate you Alzheimer's Disease.
But that lack of awareness is no longer mine. I am acutely aware of the injustices of the horrific disease. The disease that stole my gorgeous mama away from me at the tender age of 63.... but starter stealing her away around 50.
I debated getting the genetic testing done. Talked about it with my husband and friends. Why would I consider? Well, Cure Alz has created a test drug that people with the genetic markers could begin taking at age 40. And I'll be 40 on May 17, 2018.
I am their target audience, and I have awareness of what my future could be like. I could either live in fear of knowing the end will suck balls or I can live for every moment of TODAY. I pick today. I postpone the test because well, traditional medicine has never really been my thing (thanks mom for the wacky alternative upbringing that built me up and destroyed me all at once - a story for another time). And right now I feel like creating a voice on behalf of all the children who've lost their parents too early to this debilitating disease is my cure for what may or may not be. Writing, sleeping, meditating, eating healthy and making each day joyful.
As for the auction, about 4 months later from jumping in, we ended up with over 100 irrationally generous humans - both donators and purchasers. And the Rick Sharp Alzheimer's Fund raised over $800,000 in one night, of which 100% of every dollar went directly to the Cure Alzheimer's Fund. Thanks for letting me join the team, Sherry Sharp, Richard and Shelly Birnbaum, and Michelle Jenkins - you smooth talking pusher of doing good for others.
Lotsa love,
Thanks David for always supporting my "jumps into new experiences." You are my rock and my home... and inevitably the shoulder I cry on at the event, in the middle of the night when I can't sleep and at any mushy movie talking about true love and loss.
Love you Dad and Lila.