Leah Muhlenfeld.jpeg

Hi there.

Welcome to this little place I've found on the interwebs to journal my lovely and creatively chaotic life. 

This picture of me was taken by a dear friend and amazing artist Britt Van Deusen

Guide To Letting Go

Guide To Letting Go

I’ve greeted death more times than I could have imagined.

I was the oldest woman on my mother’s side of the family by 34, after loosing my grandmother, mother, aunt, and dearest cousin all within a few years of one another.

My bio-dad committed suicide, while I was pregnant with my second child. My brother committed suicide a few weeks after my Dad remarried my bonus Mom.

Then we said goodbye to my father-in-law one Fourth of July and both of my husband’s grandmothers a few years apart.

(And yes, there are more “step” and “adopted” descriptors I could have added in to clarify, but in the end, none of that matters. These people are the ones who helped make me who I am and who I am becoming.)

I’ve been through closets and medicine cabinets, both seem to keep stuff around the longest in a home. Decades of stuff with stories, which mostly I noticed hadn’t brought joy or help to these passing people since nearly a week or so after bringing them into their home.

My husband and I joked that for years our home was a weighing station. I’d fill boxes and bags with these passing loved one’s possessions and store them in a closet or attic.

When I could find the peace and calm to go back through, I’d hold one item after the next and connect to that dear soul I missed so much.

They’d tell me how much they loved me, and I’d then let the item go.

I’ve kept so few physical items from these important people who’ve graced my life and fill my DNA to this day. Their stuff I’ve found I don’t need, but what they taught me and continue teaching me, I will always be thankful for.

I suppose I’m a special sort of Marie Kondo.

I’m Leah Muhlenfeld, guide to letting go of loved ones, while letting them continue to teach you about yourself and the world around you, while you are here - alive.

Lotsa Love,


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